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Darla Coop

Season's Greetings: Update Your On-Hold Program For The Holidays

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is quickly approaching, and for some, it's already here. At The Coop Group, we have no shame in starting our holiday game the earlier the better. Now is the perfect time to add some holiday cheer to your on-hold program. What better way to show your customers you care enough to make their on-hold experience relevant, and show them your appreciation for their loyalty to your company.

Need some ideas on how to make your on-hold content merry and bright?

Holiday Events - Are you pairing up with a charity or hosting a holiday party? Let your customers know! Including a short message detailing your company's commitment to giving back to the community will promote confidence in your clients and may even inspire them to ask how they can participate. Showing your clients your appreciation with your annual holiday event? Be sure to include the details in your holiday program as a reminder.

Seasonal Products and Services - Take some time to educate your clients on a seasonal product or service you may be offering.

Discounts and SalesTake advantage of your client's time on hold and promote special sales and discounts your client's may not otherwise know about.

Holiday Hours - We know the holidays can bring crazy schedules and less time in the office. Filling in your clients on your holiday hours while they're waiting is a courtesy they are sure to appreciate.

Holiday Music - Research has found playing holiday music on-hold and in stores makes customers feel good and inspires them to want to buy more. Already content with your current on-hold program? We can simply update your tune and leave the rest to science.

Have questions? Ready to update? Contact us today and we'll be happy to help you create your customized holiday greeting and on-hold program.

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